As you may recall 2 years ago, just before the UN conference on climate change in Copenhagen, a professor at UEA had his email account hacked. Hundreds of misleading excerpts from his email account were posted online and 'climategate' was born.
Fast forward to now:
- Three independent commissions have cleared the professor of any fraud or wrongdoing.
- The climate science is still indicating that climate change is occurring (with a better understanding than before).
- Most people have forgotten that climategate occurred (if they even noticed it the first time).
- 'More' emails from UEA are being released.
Skeptics of climate change, please stop trying to smokescreen the issue of climate change with fake scandals. It is pathetic, and as George W. Bush once put it: "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me... you can't get fooled again."
Happy Thanksgiving,
Sean Diamond
It's pathetic, and according to a study by the Nature Climate Change Journal, it works...