Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Climate Change Polls

Hello Reader,

If you are looking for information about my dissertation survey, please see the links on the left side of the page.

Otherwise, I wanted to share this op-ed piece by a professor from Stanford. The piece essentially points out that the results of many of the climate change related polls in the US are in fact misleading. It also describes the results of the professor's study that indicate that not only do the vast majority of Americans believe that anthropogenic climate change (a.k.a. 'global warming') is occurring, but that the majority of Americans also believe that the government should do something about it!

I was surprised by the conclusions in the article, so I definitely recommend it for anyone interested in public opinion on climate change.


Sean Diamond

This post refers to:
The Climate Majority
Published: June 8, 2010

In the New York Times

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Doom or Transition

Hello Reader,

If you are looking for dissertation links, please see the top-left corner of the page.

Today, I stumbled across a news article about peak oil. The bulk of the article focuses on how people are expecting the worst, but the last bit actually discusses a tiny bit about the Transition movement. I do not have too much to say about this article. It is what it is. I just hope that enough people look into the Transition US movement so they are able to distinguish between the survivalist mentality and the transition mentality.

Sean Diamond

This post refers to:
Imagining Life Without Oil, and Being Ready
Published: June 5, 2010
From the New York Times