Saturday, March 26, 2011

Movie Review: The End of Suburbia

Hello Readers,

The other night, I got the documentary The End of Suburbia in the mail from Netflix. The movie begins with an in depth history of the development of the modern US suburban culture and infrastructure. This history sets the stage for documentary's hypothesis -and the title of the movie- the coming decline in the American suburban lifestyle as a result of the unsustainable reliance on cars as the sole means of transportation among other factors.

If this movie were made during the past year, I would have thought that it were ridiculous for stating the obvious. However, since this movie was made in 2004, it appears to be prophetic from our perspective 6 years out. Also, I did not notice any statements, claims or predictions that were contrary or exaggerated in comparison to any of the other literature and news that I've read in the past few years. In fact, The End of Suburbia is a great introduction and/or review to the topic of peak oil and peak energy... just beware: it can be quite depressing if you truly understand the magnitude of the situation! I highly recommend following up this movie with a discussion about potential solutions to the issue. Hopefully, this will mitigate the potentially overwhelming message.

Keep trying!
Sean Diamond


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