Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A personal update: Utility-Scale Energy Storage

Hello Readers,

Tonight I attended a lecture hosted by 4CP about energy storage on the utility grid. If you've been following my blog, you may note the serendipitous nature of such a lecture for me. If you haven't, suffice it to say that I just got my results back from my Master's dissertation on the GHG emissions impact of incorporating energy storage on the utility grid, and I got a 'distinction'... the British way of noting 'hono(u)rs'.

I was quite pleased with the results of my dissertation; however, after sitting through a lecture by an industry professional on my dissertation topic and not learning a single thing (and in fact mentally noting a few inconsistencies with my background research), I have satisfied myself that I actually did learn something about energy storage on the utility grid while writing my dissertation.

Of course, I am using this post as an introduction to my next several posts, wherein I will post my dissertation in sections (after sending a copy to those who helped me out with the dissertation). Thus, please check back over the next several weeks if you are interested in learning what I learned about how adding energy storage to the utility grid will impact GHG emissions and subsequently anthropogenic climate change.

Till then, stay green dear readers!


1 comment:

  1. congratulations on your great dissertation Sean!
