Sunday, June 17, 2012

Weekday Veg TED Talk

Hello Readers,

Here is a good TED talk by Graham Hill, the founder of, about reducing your consumption of meat by being a vegetarian on weekdays.

I found it interesting, because it reflects an experience that is very similar to my own attempt to be a vegetarian. At the beginning of the year, I started off by trying to dive in and become a complete vegetarian, "cold tofu" if you will. However, by about the end of February, my desire of a good cheese steak or a bacon cheese burger was gnawing on my taste buds. As a result, by April I had already 'slipped up' a couple of times. However, in the mean time I had otherwise maintained a healthy, mostly-fresh-food based vegetarian diet. Rather than feeling guilty about the few times that I really wanted some meat, I decided it would be more environmentally-friendly, healthier, and more personally sustainable to only eat meat roughly one day per month rather than giving up on trying to be a vegetarian all together.

So if you have tried to be a vegetarian or are thinking about making the jump, I strongly encourage you to watch this TED talk about Weekday Veg.



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